Wednesday 2 November 2011

Zotero: A trial and error story. REVISED

Here is the result of a task from my lecturer Ed to construct a bibliography using the programme Zotero. Here's how it turned out:

Chandler, Heather Maxwell, Chandler, Rafael (2010), Fundamentals of Game Development. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
Dillon, Roberto (2010), On the Way to Fun: An Emotion-Based Approach to Successful Game Design. A K Peters/CRC Press.

Journal Articles

Jin, Seung-A Annie (2011). "I Feel Prsent. Therefore, I Experience Flow: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Flow and Presense in Video Games",  Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Vol. 55 Issue 1. 114-136

Martínez, Katynka Z. (2011). "Pac-Man meets the Minutemen: Video Games by Los Angeles Latino Youth",  National Civic Review Vol. 100 Issue 3. 50-57

Lowood, Henry and Nitsche, Michael (Eds.) (2011), Lowood, "Video Capture: Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual Worlds" The Machinima Reader. MIT Press: 3-21

This has been recently updated to meet Ed's standards of the Harvard System. Hopefully it is fixed now.


  1. Hi Tom,

    This is nearly there, but there's still a bit more to do to provide complete the task, which
    asks for two full-length books, two contributions to a book and two articles from academic journals.

    While Zotero will create the bibliography for you, you do need to check that it has all the information it needs to begin with, especially with a contribution to a book (what Zotero calls a "book section").

    Have a look at my bibliography to see what you're aiming for:

  2. The _Knowledge Quest_ article is by Mary Fran Daley.
